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Visual Arts Mississauga's Creative Residency presents the State of Being (of the Current Situation). This virtual exhibition reflects the current, ongoing narrative that each resident must face - whether that is the capturing of information through a technical application, a question of human existence, an analysis of the self through a fractured lens, or of the shamefulness our society implicates on its elderly population.


State of Being allows the VCR to carve out their space as emerging artists while in the pursuit of showcasing their reality of their current, individualized situations.

Exhibition catalogue

Click on the image below for the full view of catalogue.
Ashley Beerdat
Jasmine Canaviri
Jenny Chen
Soka Lazara

Ashley Beerdat, Pandora, Oil on Canvas, 30x40 inches, 2020

Jasmine Canaviri, @Peel Region Do Something, Video Installation, 9:37 minutes, January 2020 – present

Jenny Chen, Multitude of Fish 1, Pen on Board, 5x9 inches, 2020

Soka Lazara, Susan, Photography, 2018


2015 OAC logo CMYK JPG.jpg

VCR and the State of Being (of the Current Situation) is generously supported by the Ontario Arts Council 


4170 Riverwood Park Lane
Mississauga, ON L5S 2C7

(905) - 277 -4313


VAM's Creative Residency is generously supported by the Community Foundation of Mississauga








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